COERR Mae Sariang organized Positive Discipline Training for COERR camp-based refugee staff, Child Protection Committee and boarding house caretaker, in the Temporary Shelters in Mae Hong Son’s Sobmoei District.
There were 27 participants of 16 females and 11 males attending the training at Ban Mae Lama Luang temporary shelter on May 10, 2023 and 30 participants of 17 females and 13 males at Ban Mae La Oon temporary shelter on May 11, 2023, respectively.
The aim of the Training was to equip the participants with positive discipline techniques that they could use on children, know how to apply positive discipline skills in raising children and build positive discipline in children. Participants were expected to be able to share knowledge and skills to parents in the community as well.
Positive Discipline Strategies are ways of guiding children’s behavior in the long run.
-It needs clear communication about expectation, regulation, and limitation.
-It strengthens relationship in respectful way between parents and their children.
-It is about guiding children lifeskills that can use for the rest of their life.
-It is about building capability and confidence for children to deal with challenging situation.
-It is about teaching manner, non-violence, empathy, self-respect and dignity, human right as well as other people’ s
right awareness, etc.
Positive Discipline Training in Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter

Positive Discipline Training in Ban Mae Lama Luang Temporary Shelter
